Archive for November, 2013

Bradon Forest School – its future

Although it does not sound of particular interest to us in Purton, Swindon Borough Council is shortly concluding a consultation regarding the provision of secondary school places. This is obviously a response to the new housing developments. Several options are being explored and the one of keen interest to Purton is the potential to extend the catchment area for Bradon Forest School to include parts of Swindon....

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Moredon Bridge ~ time to write

A short while ago, I mentioned the debacle at Moredon Bridge: a developer having obtained permission to build 200 houses on appeal and with a specific veto by the Planning Inspector on developing a nearby field (Bradley's Meadow) has now returned for more.

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Moredon Bridge~ 50 more houses

Bradley's Meadow in the parish of Purton is again under threat as a developer argues that these grasslands are apparently not “worthy of retention”. The developer and Wiltshire Council have not been able to agree the conditions to allow the fifty houses requested by the developer. So, the developer has initiated appeal proceedings. Date to be announced.

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Biodiversity Offsetting ~ is all about trust

Some while ago in the parish of Purton (in Wiltshire) a planning application was received by the planning authority for 200 new homes. At the time, the contiguous parishes and relevant planning authorities felt that the site in question was not the appropriate place for housing and was not supported in the most recent draft housing strategies. The relevant planning authority refused the application and, as is usually the case when significant profits are at risk, the developer went to appeal. This means that a government-approved planning inspector would sit (a bit like a judge) and hear competing evidence and then make a decision. The decision that the planning inspector made was to approve most of the site for development but expressly said that Bradley’s Meadow should be left alone as it was a site having Nature Conservation Importance. The developer went away, built the houses, and then returned to say that the Inspector was wrong and that Bradley’s Meadow was not particularly interesting and should be built upon...

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