Archive for December, 2013

Bradley’s Meadow ~ time to speak

The planning inspector who approved the 200-house development at Moredon Bridge in the parish of Purton said that the adjacent Site of Nature Conservation Interest called Bradley’s Meadow must be excluded from development.  Instead, the developer (Wainhomes, who recently lost the Widham Farm appeal) has come back with an application for 50 houses (Application No: N/11/02763/FUL). The application is being heard at the Northern Area Planning Committee on Wednesday, 8 January, 2014.   The meeting starts at 6 pm and is being held at Chippenham Town Hall. To register to speak […]

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When is composting not always a good thing?

There is a new application at Mopes Lane (technically at Parkgate Farm) to increase the composting tonnage to 50,000 tonnes per year. This comes at a cost: there will be additional Heavy Goods Vehicle movements. This relentless increase in HGV movements is battering the local road feeding Mopes Lane, and carving up the verges.

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Yet more houses?

The planning inspector who is reviewing the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy is arguing for increasing the number of houses to be built in Wiltshire and also is suggesting an early review of the settlement boundaries (which restricts building in open countryside outside villages) and not wait for the outcomes of the neighbourhood planning process. These two aspects could have profound implications for the future shape and size of Purton and we need to remain vigiliant...

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