25 houses at Pavenhill ~ new information has been submitted

It was mid-June when we were alerted that a Public Hearing for the above would take place on 22 August. Far too late for many to change commitments (such as holidays). The reason for the change from a Written Representation to the Public Hearing was that additional papers were submitted by Hills. These papers were submitted after the consultation had expired. Despite representations to the Planning Inspectorate that there should be a further period of consultation on this new material, this was not possible. So, the only way to comment on the additional information is to appear at the Hearing and request to speak, although it is unlikely that everyone who wishes to speak will be allowed.

The new material summarised the appellant’s basis for dismissing Wiltshire Council arguments for refusal. The Appeal Documents may be found here.

In summary, the Appellant states that they disagree with Wiltshire Council and maintain that:

  1. There is not a five-year housing land supply (yet a planning inspector at the recent Forest Farm Appeal said there was);
  2. The benefits of the development outweigh the harm (it is acknowledged that there is harm which is an important admission);
  3. Building outside the settlement boundary in this location is supported by the facilities of Purton (in practice, anyone living in this location will use a car even to get to the Top Shops to buy food ~ the location promotes car use); and
  4. The development will not harm the character of the area or affect immediate neighbours (more than 100 objections have suggested the fallacy of this statement).

It is not clear that the Planning Inspectorate will accept further written comments but it is suggested that if one is suitably annoyed that significant material was submitted after the consultation had expired, then it is worth trying to use the lack of sufficient notice and “prior commitment” reason as a basis, as follows (preferably in your own words):

Dear Sir/Madam

It was with some surprise that the Written Representation was changed to Public Hearing and a date set that was in the middle of the holiday period. The notice of the change was received on 13 June which was too late to change existing commitments in order to attend the Hearing on 22 August. Consequently I request that the following comments be received on the new material that was submitted, after the period of public consultation had expired.


Finally, one could re-state that this application is contrary to the neighbourhood plan, which already has a good deal of support.

This could be done by post citing: APP/Y3940/W/17/3166533 (16/03625/FUL – Land at Pavenhill, Purton) and sending to: The Planning Inspectorate, APP/Y3940/W/17/3166533, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Avon, Bristol BS1 6PN or by email to: enquiries@pins.gsi.gov.uk with APP/Y3940/W/17/3166533 (16/03625/FUL – Land at Pavenhill, Purton as the subject header.

It is not guaranteed that comments will be taken into account but worth a try if you are unable to attend the Hearing itself.

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