61 more houses at Restrop ~ no significant change, no reason to approve

Whilst the application has more or less addressed the technical points that were missing last time, as pointed out by Wiltshire Council, the main reasons for refusal given by Wiltshire Council remain the same and have not changed in the last few months since the application was first refused:

  • The proposal fails to accord with saved policy North Wiltshire District Local Plan H4, or with Core Policy 1, Core Policy 2, and Core Policy 19 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy (Jan 2015);
  • It further conflicts with Purton Neighbourhood Plan (Nov 2018) Policy 14. The significant increase in the number of dwellings over and above those set out in the Neighbourhood Plan further increases the pressure upon the rural road network due to the lack of services, facilities within the village of Purton and lack of sustainable transport modes for the future occupiers who would be required to travel beyond Purton by private car contrary to Core Policies 60 and 61 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy (Jan 2015) and paragraphs 108 109 and 110 of the National Planning Policy Framework;
  • The development would not represent sustainable development;
  • The proposal would result in the built edge of development extending further south of the boundary of this village, in a dense, suburban form of development that fails to integrate into more rural and sparse layouts of nearby developments on this prominent edge of village site; and
  • The proposed development would fail to integrate into the surrounding rural area contrary to Core Policies 51, 57 and Purton Neighbourhood Plan (Nov 2018) Policy 14 as well as paragraphs 127 (b, c, d & f) and para 170 (b)of the National Planning Policy Framework and the principle set out in the National Design Guide.

The documents can be found here.

So, none of the above reasons for refusal have changed at all. There is nothing to commend this application.

Comments have to be lodged by 18 March 2021 here.


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