Good News to start the year ~ Neighbourhood Plan reaches the next stage

Following the summer consultation, the Purton Neighbourhood Plan has now been submitted to Wiltshire Council. It is available on the Parish Council web site here together with various supporting documents including how every comment received was addressed and, if necessary, how the Plan was amended. The next step is that Wiltshire Council will now carry out its own consultation (for about six weeks) and a Planning Inspector will be appointed to review the Plan. The Inspector will decide if there is to be a public hearing or not. When the Inspector has made his or her recommendations, a final version of the Neighbourhood Plan will be produced which will then be subject to a Referendum in which all residents in the parish will be able to vote.

If approved, then the planning authority has to take into account the requirements of the neighbourhood plan when determining planning applications in the parish.

Hard copies of all the documents are available in Purton Library or can be obtained from the Parish Council Office.

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