Land at Pavenhill ~ final hurdle

Although this planning application was refused by Wiltshire Council, Hills (of Battlewell fame) are appealing the decision. The developer is very keen to rush this application through before the neighbourhood plan is approved. This application undermines the neighbourhood plan and so, given the positive response to the neighbourhood plan at its last outing (and the changes that have been made since then) it is critical that this application is dismissed by the planning inspector.

To do this, we need to write in, as usual. This time there is no public hearing since it has been decided to do it by Written Representation only.

The deadline is Friday, 21 April (this Friday). The inspector has requested actual letters (in triplicate, so they don’t have to do the photocopying). You could also email the letter as well.

The relevant details and reasons are:

If you have objected before then do refer to your previous objection letter, saying you have further aspects to bring before the inspector, such as:

  1. You could note that this application has attracted an unprecedented number of objections, more than 100 from residents reflecting the controversial nature of this development;
  2. It can no longer be assumed that there will be a Coop in the Lower Square (The Triangle) since many months have gone by and there is still no sign of re-development or a committed date for opening. Given the Coop’s publicised financial issues it must be assumed that a shop in the Triangle is unlikely to come to fruition;
  3. Similarly,  the Royal Mail has confirmed that it would now be necessary to demonstrate the need for a Post Office, so we have to assume, in the absence of anything to the contrary, that a post office is also highly unlikely;
  4. The frequency of the No 53 Bus Service has been steadily decreasing for some years, with a further recent reduction to almost nothing. It is foreseeable that this will eventually cease too; and
  5. Points 2-4 above challenge that this development could be sustainable with critical at-risk factors such as the lack of a second shop, the lack of a post office and the near lack of public transport.

Finally, the emerging Neighbourhood Plan clearly demonstrates that there are much better, and accessible, sites which are more sustainable.

When writing, please use APP/Y3940/W/17/3166533 – Planning appeal notification – 16/03625/FUL – Land at Pavenhill, Purton as the subject title on your letter (and send three copies please). The address is: Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/10b Kite Wing, 2 The Square, Temple Quay House. Bristol BS1 6PN.

In addition, do email as well using the same title in the email subject line to:

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