Wiltshire Council continues to make some progress towards obtaining the legal basis for our neighbourhood plan and it is hoped that they will soon give the go-ahead to carry out the long-awaited consultation on a plan that has been ready for some months.
Meanwhile, whilst Land North of Pavenhill (25 dwellings and the loss of one bungalow) has not been approved, another developer has sought to take advantage of the absence of the neighbourhood plan with an application for 41 dwellings at Land at Restrop Road (Ref. 16/10513/FUL).
Is this an opportunity?
Despite some attempt at consultation, the developers have pretty much ignored local comments at the publicity events, and suggestions in the parish plan. Sadly, the developers, again, did not think it worthwhile to consult the Purton Neighbourhood Plan Working Group. Also, when one member of the public sought to ask further questions about the plans after the most recent publicity event there was no response, despite two attempts to engage. In fact, the consultation for this application has been woefully inadequate and is a good example of how not to engage with the local community.
Developers seem unable to learn.
These are some initial points of concern:
- It is outside the Settlement Boundary;
- Wiltshire Council pretty much now has a five-year housing land supply (which means it does not need these houses to make up the numbers of houses required under the Wiltshire Core Strategy);
- It adds no functional value to the village (other than more houses);
- It has no bungalows (which the developers have been told on a least a couple of occasions would be advantageous to any planning application);
- Comments from local residents have largely been ignored; and
- Both the Police and Fire and Rescue have already objected.
The application, supporting documents and comments to date can be read at: http://tinyurl.com/j8vv9v6
Comments need to be made by 8 December and can be left by following the above link.