Land at Restrop Road ~ some facts

The parish council will be considering this application tomorrow evening (Monday 5 December) at 7 pm. If you wish to say anything then do turn up at the beginning of the meeting.

The following points are pertinent:

  • The applicant has not aligned their application with that of the Neighbourhood Plan and, since it ignores the local needs which are clearly identified in both the Parish Plan and in Policy 12 in Purton’s Draft Neighbourhood Plan, the application cannot claim it meets the aspirations of our community;
  • The housing layout in the application differs markedly from that which was on display at the Public Exhibition earlier this year and the style of houses is urban not rural;
  • The application is for 41 houses on a 1.42 ha site, representing a high density development of 29 dwellings per hectare more in keeping with an urban environment rather than that of a rural village;
  • Examination of the Master Plan and the Housing Styles reveal that all but one, two-bedroom house includes a study on the first floor next to the bedrooms.  It is misleading to claim a room as a study when clearly it is just another bedroom. The applicant appears to be claiming these bedrooms as “studies” so they can obtain a higher density of overall dwellings;
  • The application falls well below Wiltshire Council’s residential parking standards;
  • The number of likely vehicle movements are under-predicted;
  • Wiltshire Council is now very close to a five-year housing supply (plus the required 5%) so the imperative for this over-dense development of 41 houses is not there; and
  • The location of the play area next to the main Restrop Road with its high volume of traffic and adjoining the entrance to the site would put the children playing there at greater risk from traffic accidents on the main road or would provide easy access to predatory adults.

If you have any concerns about this application, please follow the link and lodge these concerns on Wiltshire Council’s web site at:

Full reference is Land at Restrop Road Purton Swindon Wiltshire (16/10513/FUL) Residential Development of 41 Dwellings Including Access, Car Parking, Landscaping and other Associated Infrastructure

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