It has finally arrived.
A neighbourhood plan is our chance to have a say in the future of our parish. It is a powerful tool for shaping the development and growth of a local area.
The various documents are on the parish council web site
The two most important are the plan itself, and the supporting document Purton – Planning for the Future which gives the underlying thinking that shapes the plan.
Also, if you have not gone on line yet and supported Purton to designate itself as a neighbourhood area, please could you, it only takes a few moments (you have to register to do this but, again only takes a few moments). Please do this here by clicking on Purton Neighbourhood Area Designation. This is not to approve the plan, that is later, this is just to have the area of the plan (the parish) officially recognised.
Last thing, another milestone has been reached with more than 1000 downloads of Transforming Purton Parish