New Footpath? perhaps

It is not everyday that the possibility comes along for a new footpath in Purton.

There has been a recommendation to make the informal track that goes diagonally from the top of Hoggs Lane towards Pavenhill a permanent feature ~ a footpath. To make this happen is a lengthy process and has been ongoing for some considerable time. Wiltshire Council has carried out the assessment to see if the situation passes certain tests and, after a period of public consultation which finished some months ago, has concluded that there is a case for the making of a new footpath (to be known as Footpath No. 161).

The various papers are going in front of the (Wiltshire Council) Northern Planning Committee recommending the making of the footpath for their decision. Because there are some objections to this (from the landowner, the current tenant of the land, and one or two others with interests in the land) the Committee cannot make the decision itself. The Committee can only take the decision to forward the papers to the Secretary of State recommending approval. It is then up to the Secretary of State to make the final decision. Relevant papers may be found at: Footpath 161

The Northern Planning Committee meeting is in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Monkton Park, Chippenham on Wednesday 11 March (next week) at 3 pm and this is the first right of way application to be heard (so should be done by 4 pm). It is important that there is local representation there to support the Wiltshire Council’s own Officer who is making the recommendation. Potential speakers need to be there to register their intention to speak by 14:50 and will be allowed three minutes. Three speakers will be allowed in favour and three against, plus the parish council.

If you value the retention of the track across the fields from Hoggs Lane be that for dog-walking, rambling, jogging or similar then it would be wise to attend either to speak or to show solidarity. These sorts of opportunities do not come around that often.

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