Purton Neighbourhood Plan ~ out for final consultation

Following the Consultation by Purton Parish Council of the Purton Neighbourhood Plan last year, all the comments have been considered and the documents updated. Wiltshire Council is now coordinating the final public consultation on the Purton Neighbourhood Plan. The Consultation can be accessed here where all the final documents are available and a consultation response can be made. The consultation begins on Monday 5 February and will close at 5pm on Tuesday 20 March.

The Consultation is being widely publicised and the relevant documents can also be seen in hard copy at: the Purton Parish Council Office, the Purton Surgery, the Purton Library, The Bell in Purton Stoke, and the Taylor Wimpey Site Office at Ridgeway Farm. Comment forms can also be collected from these locations, and returned by email: neighbourhoodplanning@wiltshire.gov.uk or by post to Spatial Planning, Economic Development and Planning, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 8J

Following this consultation, the comments received will be passed to an independent examiner, to be appointed by Wiltshire Council, who will consider the representations and recommendations, and whether or not  the plan should be put to a community referendum.

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