I have been working with others, including the Parish Council, on revising the Neighbourhood Plan.
To provide some evidence on housing needs, a 10-minute Housing Needs Survey is being undertaken by the Parish Council.
The survey is going to be delivered to every home in the Parish by Monday, 19 February to be returned as soon as possible, though the survey is open until Sunday 31 March. It is on paper to ensure no one is left unheard by being unable to access the internet. Of course, it is hoped that most will complete the survey online, via Survey Monkey, which can be quickly accessed using the web address below.
All data from the survey will be anonymous and will inform the ‘Purton Neighbourhood Plan Revision’, a document which will become legally recognised and obligatory for Wiltshire Council to consult when deciding on new planning applications.
In addition, everyone in the Parish will have several opportunities to give their feedback on this revision through public consultations to be held periodically this year.
Do the Survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FFSL6C9