PL/2022/00395 – Land at South Pavenhill Farm, Pavenhill, Purton, Wiltshire, SN5 4DQ – APP/Y3940/W/24/3349801
The original reasons for refusal were:
- The application site is an agricultural parcel of land, lying outside the defined settlement boundary for Purton and therefore, for the purposes of the Local Plan, is within the open countryside.
This remains the case, supported by the emerging Purton Neighbourhood Plan
- The proposed development is considered contrary to the adopted Housing Delivery Strategy in that it involves a parcel of land designated as open countryside and is outside of the defined settlement boundary for the Large Village of Purton.
In view of the emerging Local Plan and the emerging Purton Neighbourhood Plan, this remains the case
In essence, this application is all about political pressure from the new Government concerning housing numbers. Strip that away and one comes down to a site that is unsustainable as evidenced and based on science, not political nuance and was dismissed by Wiltshire Council, the current Purton Neighbourhood Plan and the emerging one.
This site still contravenes all Wiltshire Council policy previously, in the new Wiltshire Council Local Plan and in the emerging Purton Neighbourhood Plan which is currently at Regulation 14 stage. This location scores badly in the systematic assessments (20+ criteria)[1] as reviewed by Wiltshire Council. The assessment process has been shared by Wiltshire Council with all parishes as an exemplar of how to assess a location by a community.
This site will exacerbate the traffic issues in that part of the village. This cannot be engineered away since the local infrastructure does not allow. It contravenes policy and the National Planning Policy Framework. There is absolutely no evidence to demonstrate that the site, if developed, will not contribute to poor traffic outcomes.
This application has built in site vulnerability. It is located so far from any Parish amenity, including retail, that car usage is built in. There is no passing bus. The nearest public transport is predicated on an assumption that it can continue to be subsidised. The precarious nature of that has been demonstrated in recent years with suspension and threats to discontinue, only diverted by further Council subsidy. Building in car usage is completely against the net zero announcements of Government.
This site is a prime example of unsustainability. It promotes car usage. The traffic issues will plague future generations. There is no nearby employment. There is, however, a sustainable location described in the emerging Neighbourhood Plan, which brings both benefits of reduced traffic congestion throughout the village and infrastructure benefits for larger doctor and other medical facilities, retail, parking and huge biodiversity gain, with climate resilience at its heart.
In contrast, the site at South Pavenhill brings absolutely nothing to offset its negative impacts, including increased car use, traffic, and general harm and vulnerability to the environment.
The above is what I am going to say.
If you wish to comment to the Planning Inspector, go here; on the righthand side it says Search for a case; enter the seven-digit case reference number (in this case: 3349801); submit; then top right “Make Representation” and then follow the instructions and add your information and comment. After you press Submit do not leave the page until it confirms the Submission (may take a minute or so).
Comments should be submitted by 09 December 2024.
[1] Purton Planning for the Future (available from Purton Parish Council)