The 61 Houses at Restrop are now down to 47 but…

The application was refused last year and went to appeal. Whilst waiting for appeal, the land agent has reduced the houses to 47 and agreed with Wiltshire Council to withdraw the appeal. All other matters are more or less the same. The officer now recommends the application for approval.

The Strategic Planning Committee will be meeting on Wednesday 1 December at 10:30 am in Trowbridge to decide this application.

A limited number of members of the public will be allowed to speak (for three minutes each). The Committee can be swayed by good argument and has gone against its officers’ recommendations (to approve) on two previous applications quite recently. So it is by no means a hopeless situation if you are minded to attend and speak.

To ensure COVID-19 public health guidance is adhered to, there will be a capacity limit for public attendance at this meeting, and priority will need to be given to those who have registered to speak at the meeting. If you would like to register for a public speaking slot or simply attend the meeting you should contact Tara Shannon:

no later than 5 pm on Monday 29 November. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

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