3 Witts Lane – Three Storey

There is a new craze. First you get planning permission for some houses, then you seek an amendment to turn the normal two-storey houses into three-storey. Totally inappropriate.

This blog rarely comments on smaller applications in the parish. Well, what could possibly go wrong?

3 Witts Lane is where the dilapidated thatch cottage used to stand on the corner of Witts Lane and Peartree Close. Originally, the developer tried it on with nine houses, which rapidly reduced to seven and then to four when it was clear that four was the only number likely to be allowed. That developer has moved on and a new one is trying their luck by submitting an amendment to turn all the permitted four houses into three-storey ones.

There is a problem with this:

  1. Three-storey houses are not in keeping with a village streetscape generally;
  2. A site of three-storeys on the corner of Witts Lane and Peartee Close will clash with nearby conventional housing;
  3. There is reduced parking on site so parking will spill onto Witts Lane and onto Peartree Close where there is already no room; and
  4. This sort of development is completely unaligned with either the Parish Plan or the emerging Neighbourhood Plan.

If this amendment is allowed then all infill spaces in the parish will be fair game for three-storey housing.

This silliness needs to be nipped in the bud to ensure it does not create a precedent.

The documents may be viewed at: 3 Witts Lane. Comments must be made by 8 January 2016 and can be made on line using the same link.

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