Purton under attack?

… perhaps it just seems like it.

The neighbourhood plan has been ready for some time now, yet still not able to be properly consulted upon due to legal shenanigans in part of Wiltshire Council. The legal constraints in formalising the boundary of the neighbourhood plan (the parish boundary) still have to be resolved, possibly during this month, or perhaps into December. Once that has been done, then we can begin the consultation.

Meanwhile, three developer applications are trying to pre-empt the plan: Land North of Pavenhill (now reduced by one to 25 dwellings) North View (11 dwellings) and, just in, Land at Restrop (41 dwellings) ~ a total of 78 new dwellings.

None of the developers have consulted with those developing the neighbourhood plan.

The application that is of immediate concern, since it totally contradicts the neighbourhood plan analysis, is Land North of Pavenhill. After months of to and fro between the developer and Wiltshire Council officers, twice-amended plans have been submitted. No sight of a bungalow to replace the one that is to be demolished, still over-dense and of course still maintains that the road is safe to walk along, particularly as a virtual pavement is to be installed along the road towards the Royal George (effectively a mark on the road).

Such is the concern about this poor application that more than 200 objections have already been submitted. The neighbourhood plan analysis has comprehensively demonstrated that this location is totally inappropriate on more than 20 criteria, not least of which is that it is outside the settlement boundary. If you wish to comment on this application go to: http://tinyurl.com/glc2cu6 but hurry as this needs to be done by tomorrow, Tuesday 8 November before the end of the day, after which the consultation closes.

About Land at Restrop, more will be said later….

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