Footpath 161 – further details (2)

As required, Wiltshire Council has now provided its Statement of Case. In it, the Council convincingly argues the case for the Order to formalise the informal track (from the top of Hoggs Lane diagonally across the field to Pavenhill) into a formal footpath (161). The Council also comments on all the arguments that have been received for or against the Order.

The Statement of Case may be downloaded here: Wilts Council Statement of Case [2.4MB PDF]

The next stage is that by 12 January next year, anyone else who wishes to provide written evidence to the Inspector must have sent in their own Statement.

So, after reading the Council’s Statement, if you have additional evidence of usage of the track by members of the public, simply make a statement to that effect and indicate what that evidence is (it can be as an email) to Mr Clive Richards, The Planning Inspectorate, Rights of Way Section, 3/25 Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN quoting reference: FPS/Y3940/7/18 at




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