Widham Farm comes back around

After being refused in March earlier this year, back it comes as an Appeal as it has done on several occasions before. The more obvious reasons for refusal such as outside the settlement boundary and not in the Neighbourhood Plan are sound and were deployed by the Wiltshire Council to refuse it.

Nothing has changed.

Details for the Inquiry have not been established as yet, though Comments should be received by 10 September 2024.

The Planning Inspectorate has introduced an online appeals service which you can use to comment on this appeal. You can find the service through the Appeals area of the Planning Portal – see here. The relevant  Planning Inspectorate reference is APP/Y3940/W/24/3347445 BUT only type 3347445 into the search box.

The original planning reference is PL/2021/06918

and in case you have forgotten, the application is for erection of 61 dwellings, access and open space following the demolition of two dwellings and outline permission for 0.72ha of employment land

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